Dear Windhill Community,
Bradford Council has proposed a fundamental change to the way the Council and its partners deliver customer facing Services, focussed on customers getting the ‘right support at the right time’.
This includes the Advice Service that is currently provided throughout the Bradford District at various community centres, GP surgeries and other venues.
Futuregov has been engaged by Bradford Council to help with its Customer Service Transformation project which includes the Advice Service and visit those venues that provide Advice to find out what impact any change would have on people needing Advice.
[Futuregov help reform public services by supporting organisations through digital transformation and service design].
A team of two from Futuregov is visiting the WINDHILL ADVICE SERVICE
at WINDHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE on Wednesday 27th February 2019
[9 a.m. – 1 p.m.] to meet with Advisors, clients and centre users
You are welcome to come along that day to talk to the Futuregov team about your experiences in using the Advice Service here and elsewhere in the Bradford District and your observations will form part of their findings.
Your support would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
North-East Windhill Community Association
Dear NEWCA, |
I’m happy to come along. |
I am available to attend but would like help to do so.
My phone number is
Sorry, can’t make it that day but I would like to talk to the team.
My phone number / email is