Every Monday the Reading and Writing Support Group is open to everyone with free admission. This event will go on  every Monday starting at 11:45 am to 1:30 pm.

Around 16 percent (5.1 million adults) in England can be classed as functionally literate.This means that they would not pass an English GCSE and have literacy levels at or below those expected of a 11 year old.

Why Come To The Support Group?

Here at Windhill Community Centre the Reading & Writing Group aims to improve adults skills with reading and writing while providing a safe encouraging environment to learn in. While helping them as much as possible to  apply for more jobs or study for National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs).

During the time here everyone will know the benefits of improving their reading and writing skills in addition to improving their self-esteem. While acknowledging improvements to their skills no matter how small or large as a result of the course.

Interested in this event? Click here to see what other events Windhill Community Centre has on offer.

If you want more information click here.

Image of a teacher helping a adult read in a support group.