volunteering opportunities with One In A Million.

volunteering opportunities with One In A Million. We are looking for volunteers for various projects, including Kidz Club. The Kidz Club session is growing and growing, we’ve had 10 new young people come along to the sessions since the turn of the year! And I...

Up date on saving Windhill.

The press has got on board with the pleas of this centre and many others. Help us by filling out a form online or pop into centre and fill it out there. www.bradford.gov.uk/surveys/budget2016/budget_2016.htm More people who help the stronger the case will be. The...

Cosy Café pancake tossing event.

  The café was running pancake tossing all morning, some better than others. All great fun and loads of action. Each person had the choice pay for the pancake or try get a free one by flipping theirs. Some managed it, all great fun and everyone enjoyed...


The Local Authority have set a budget which will have a severe impact upon our centre if it is approved at the Full Council Meeting on February 25th. While we appreciate the Elected Members have very difficult decisions to make, (with drastically reduced money from...